Saturday, March 13, 2010

Peekin at the resellers

Congrats everyone we've had over 600 visitors to this site in the short time it's been up.  Interesting that only a small (very small) percentage of those visitors left comments.  I am very proud of those of you that were not afraid of "calling out".   You don't have to call out anyone just leave your comment or say hello.  Your shop won't be closed and neither will your thread here.  You can rant all you want.  That's what were here for.


Melina and Denise said...

Holy 600 visits! Crazy!

Life During Wartime said...

Hi! I don't have an Etsy shop, but wanted to like 4 years ago when I found the site. The first day I saw Etsy, there was a reseller item on the front page. Since then, things have gotten worse. I won't open a shop on Etsy until they get a handle on their problems, and I am reluctant to buy there as well because it is hard to know what you are buying...unless you already know something about the art or craft being sold. Number of sales and great feedback don't mean much because many reseller shops are very popular.

I hope your blog -- along with EtsyCallOut, Garagetsy, EtsyWTF and probably others I haven't found -- can sting Etsy in its reputation enough to motivate a real clean up.

I have a project to suggest to you and your readers. HeyMichelle claims she removed like 50 resellers last week. I think a call out of reseller shops that have opened since she asked for emails about resellers would be interesting. If you search carefully, you might find 50 resellers that opened during Michelle's first week of cleanup that are still open.

Etsy needs to take responsibility for removing resellers themselves without wasting the time of shop owners and buyers. Obviously, some resellers will sneak thru and that should be what flags are for.

I am getting off of my soapbox now. Thanks for letting me rant...

Melina and Denise said...

And that is exactly what I hate to hear - potential handmade shoppers who are turned off by the resellers.

Beth Singleton said...

Glad to see people are looking. And I think some good has come from it. I know one bead supplier fixed her listings. She wasn't aware that she had to have Commercial as her 2nd tag and that she couldn't use Handmade.